Jessica de la Davies

Jessica de la Davies


Secret Crazed Stalker Chicks and One Hot Mess!

So, I’m trying to post a MySpace comment for my favorite band, Cheap Trick. After I get done thinking about what I’m going to write to Robin Zander…hmm. I have to think about what I am going to write to him because I don’t want to be perceived as an UBER fan since I’m just complimenting music. Or worse, I tell the band how great I think they are and the band thinks I'm some crazed stalker chick. Speaking of crazed stalker chicks, I was watching this show on TV (FYI-I’m home with the flu-not some lazy coach potato;) called "The Secret Lives of Women." I read the word “Secret”, grabbed my Tylenol and I was tuned in. The subject de jour, you ask? YES: Crazed Stalkers Chicks!!!! Okay the TV show may have used the word “women” instead of chicks and I’m not sure about the use of the word “crazed” either but screw it-who cares. The point is, I am watching this show. On this show, these “allegedly” crazed stalker chicks all did NOT think they were real stalkers. The first crazed stalker chick-let’s call her “Hot Mess”-not her real name-was a TEACHER. Wait. It gets better. She teaches "Ethics 101" at her local college. The only way this could get any better is if Hot Mess was a police woman. Anyway, although she is a convicted stalker, Hot Mess, did not think that what she did-following one of her poor male students everywhere he went-was really stalking him. “I was just keeping track of him,” Hot Mess says. Pretty funny right? Unless, of course, one of these nut jobs is chasing you around the block with a butcher knife in one hand and a camera in the other. Oh, I'm way off track... So anyway back to my question which is: Why when I get a “letter puzzle” to solve so that I can prove to MySpace I am not a computer (DUH) and I screw up the puzzle…then why does MySpace give me an even harder one to solve? If I was too slow to get the first one right due to a bit of “Night Time, Coughing, Aching, Sniffling, Hurry Up And Get Back To Work” Night Time Medicine, what makes MySpace think I’ll get the harder one right?!? Anyway, I see that another episode of The Secret Lives of Women is about to start. This one is titled: Women With Extreme Beliefs. A show about women who have goofed up beliefs? Allegedly…I meant to ask do these women allegedly have goofed
up beliefs. If so, I’m thinking that Hot Mess could be in this episode too. Where did I put the remote?

1 comment:

  1. Well, most stalker chicks think they are girls just out to have fun, kinda like the "Officer and a Gentleman'" syndrome. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the blog. Keep them coming I will be following you. Connect with us at, and
