Quotes and Poems by Jessica de la Davies from Twitter
*Double down on your dreams. Don't just survive: THRIVE.
*Today's rain produces fields of flowers tomorrow.
*Faith and Home EMPOWER while fear and sorrow DEVOUR.
*The art of happiness is finding your joy in the PROCESS rather than the end result.
*May you be loved, nourished and safe in this and every moment. #StopChildAbuse
*When in doubt, do the right thing.
*JOY is nothing more than the habit of smiling until you feel happy.
*To be loving and forgiving is the secret to a life worth living.
*Offering HOPE is the best way to warm someone's HEART.
*Don't let daily stresses weigh you down and you will SOAR.
*What you IMAGINE will manifest in your life.
*Look for it. Believe it exists. Feel it. LOVE!
*The size of your dreams determines the size of your achievements.
*Look for your BLISS in the process rather than in the end result.
*Embrace the positive IMPACT you can have on another's life.
*Bless another by sharing your SMILE.
*Look and look and look again for the opportunities to sow seeds of JOY.
*The choices you make today determine your tomorrows.
*LOVE: You sow. You wait. You reap.
*Remove the yoke of negativity from your neck and live your BEST life with gladness in your heart.
*It is impossible to be too JOYOUS in life.
*Negative people demote you. Positive people promote you.
*Seeds of JOY must be tended with CARE.
*Loss is the best cure for unkindness. Remove yourself.
*You become more like those you spend time with so choose friends with care.
*Your spirit shines more brightly than a thousand suns. #Manny
*May you be living in PEACE at this moment.
*INSPIRE others by nurturing your dreams.
*FREE your inner FABULOUS.
*Stand firm in your truth. #ChildAbuseSurvivors
*Life in JOY and you will attract like-minded people.
*Don't let daily stresses weigh you down so you can SOAR.
*Your life choices reflect who you are now and forever so choose wisely.
*Building a happy life doesn't have to be one huge step. It can be a series of small steps in the right direction.
*The highest form of communication is LOVE.
*Surround yourself with friends who love and care, friends who hope and share, with friends who will always be there. #Randy&DebShannon
*Life can change forever in a moment. Live your BEST life in HOPE & JOY.
*Look for your bliss in the process rather than in the end result-the art of living!
*Those who look for JOY each day find JOY.
*Reflect on the moments of JOY you have given another. Let this reflection be YOUR moment.
*There is no anti-depressant more powerful than a few kind words. #Maggie&Sunrise
*May you be hopeful and loved in this moment.
*If JOY is our wings then hope is our wind.
*As you grow older, life slowing to a crawl. I will carry your memories for you, when you can no longer remember at all. #GrandmaLove
*SMILE often. This way your wrinkles will all be in the right places. :))
*Your KINDNESS warms me like sunshine.
*To enrich another's day, that is the highest blessing. #AuntElaine
*When we bring JOY into the lives of others, we are uplifted ourselves.
*May the SUN shine brightly upon you.
*May both your body and soul be nourished in this moment.
*Be joyful and have a happy mind. Share your joy and INSPIRE all mankind.
*Measure one's heart by the care they put into their deeds.
*The most wonderful moments on earth can only be felt by your heart.
*May YOU be encouraged, blessed and at peace now and always.
*JOYOUS moments are miracles moments. Embrace your best life now.
*Don't waiver. Live in JOY and FAITH.
*Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself. Do it anyway!
*I am sorry and I love you. #LisaQ
*Inspire others by living your best life out loud.
*You are alive. As long as the sun and the earth exist, YOU have a chance to be happy. #Manny
*To live in JOY is a life well lived.
*Live in JOY and you will attract like minded people.
*Let the exquisite beauty of this moment INSPIRE you to be AMAZING.
*Grasp the impact and miracles that your positive influence produces in others.
*The 4 Ingredients To A Rich Life: Hope + Joy + Love + Peace.
*By sharing your JOY, you plant seeds of happiness in others.
*You deserve to live in JOY. #StopChildAbuse
*Joy is any good thing God sends into your life.
*Joy is to the HEART as hope is to the HEAD.
*Movement creates positive change in one's mind, body and spirit.
*Exercise is medicine for your body and brain. #DementiaCare
*Joy without compassion is like love without hope.
*Remember all you are grateful for. Share a caring word. Do an act of kindness. Feel JOY!
*Simple pleasures are often undervalued because they don't cost anything.
*Don't be yourself. Be someone more joyful.
*Practice your JOY just as your practice your FAITH and you will be happy.
*Gratitude + Love = JOY
*Joy is the experience the richness of life in the company of loving people. #Marge andRayNelson
*Like a garden, your joy must be tended daily.
*JOY without acts of kindness is like FAITH without hope.
*Ballet is music for your eyes.
*Where the past melds with the present, time is measured in moments. I will meet you there. #Alzheimer'sCare
*Sometimes you must be your own knight in shimmering armor and rescue yourself. #SurvivingChildAbuse
*Hush, that you may hear my heart's whisper. You are precious. You are love. #Manny
*The bridge between Heaven and Earth is the love in your heart.
*When the moon rises, lighting up the sky. I dream of you as time streams by. #Manny
*Joy is gratitude for your past. Faith for your future and satisfaction in this day.
*JOY doesn't come from what you choose to buy. Joy comes from who you choose to be.
*We are all ONE.
*STARS shimmer most brilliantly against inky skies. SHINE!
*Each day brings a fresh start. Forgive, love and relish this day.
*Clouds blanket the skies, the darkness reigns again. Still our moon glimmers hopefully as tears fall like rain. #StopChildhoodAbuse
*When darkness seeps in, leaving me unable to see. I dream of Perry, Heather and Lisa. Will you remember me? #Iloveyou
by Jessica de la Davies and if you choose to use these quotes please credit the author.
Copy Right 2012
nice blog :)
Hey there! Just wanted to say thanks for the follow on Pinterest; I'm following you back ;o)
Inspiring and uplifting!